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Matchday Sponsorship

Matchday Sponsorship

Edward Carter13 Aug 2024 - 15:31

Support us by Sponsoring a Matchday or a Ball

Matchday Sponsorship

The perfect chance to showcase your business and have your company’s name projected on a match day.
Great exposure is guaranteed to any Company that takes up our match day sponsorship and a whole host of opportunities awaits you.

These include coverage on the club’s social media in the pre-match build up and on match day. An acknowledgement will also be included on the front of the match day programme.

You will be contacted by the club before the match day, with regards to any messages or features you would like to include in the programme

Not only will your company be on the front of the programme, you and 5 others will be allowed free entry into the venue and be invited into the Boardroom for Half-Time refreshments.

Ball Sponsorship

A great opportunity to enhance your business’ reputation in the Kidlington local area.

This excellent package includes coverage on the club’s social media in the pre-match build up and on match day.

Also, an acknowledgement will be included on the front of the match day programme with yourself and 2 others will be allowed free entry into the venue.


Matchday Sponsorships £150

Ball Sponsorships £40

Contact Dave Sandy on 07801 721194 or at

Further reading